Sunday, December 27, 2009

More to come in a day...

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes during Christmas and my birthday. Christmas was good with lots of sleep and visits to santa and the elves. There were many activities around our little Bedrock, as the Air Force community here is known as. Carnival, poker games, volleyball and horseshoe tournaments and such.
Tomorrow I am headed off base and into the community nearby. Should be interesting. Also get to go near the Zigurrat, a 6000 year old structure in remarkable condition. This area is where Abraham lived and the concept of monotheasism was concieved. Truly the birthplace of western civilization. Wow...what happened?
I will post pictures and more when I return tomorrow night!


  1. Aren't you back yet? I want updates! I got your email, mom forwarded it to me and Em. Tell me more! Glad you called yesterday. Love you.

  2. It's been two days my time.I'm ready fot the more to come. and I love you more than Meg.

  3. Emily this isn't a competition. But for the record, I love you the most. Keep that in mind.
