Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hot out here today. Pushing 80 degrees, bright and sunny. We leave a little later this afternoon and head to parts unknown. Hopefully, we'll get to where we're going quickly. But...our flight could be cancelled on the runway or we could be diverted to another base. Either way, I live to serve.

A friend, Matt, observed how odd it is to be sweating profusely during the day and have to wear another layer in the evening due to the chill. I would think that Arizona is similar, but I have no first-hand experience. As you can tell, I'm typing to kill time, sitting in the coffee shop where the single air conditioner in the wall is working overtime to keep the heat out. Not sure that it is winning.

Just got a haircut. Shortest it's been since my Dad and boot camp cut it this close to the skull. But it is just too hot to have anything on top. Saw a few civilian contractors with poneytails. You know the type; forty something men with the widow's peak and long hair pulled into a pony-tail via a comb-back barely covering an almost bald pate. I wanted to ask them, "Uh, what's the point? The statement you're trying to make?" When I retire from the Reserve upon my return next summer, I'm starting a pony tail. Or maybe pig tails. Now that's a statement.


  1. 80 degrees sounds nice. It's probably about 10 here, my toes froze waiting for the bus this morning! Snowed again last night--I've got my fingers crossed that this is the last time....
    Miss you, call me soon.

  2. PS for the love of pigtails.
