Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still here

Haven't posted in a while. We've been very busy here. The base is in the middle of a drawdown of forces, getting ready to leave Iraq by the end of 2011. As the force gets smaller, the work load remains the same. This weekend I will try to figure out how to post a link to our base newspaper, the Bedrock Bulletin, that we produce in our office. Plenty of stories and videos.

Weather is nice, usually in the 70's every day. Suspect it will be getting warmer every day till we're in the 100's. Anyway, I will post some more pictures this weekend. Hope everyone's doing well!


  1. Keep posting the pics, very cool!

  2. I'm glad your title is "Still here". Made me laugh, since I have been wondering where you were. It's pretty nice here too...just a little drizzle of sleet and 20 degrees outside, lots of wind. Yeah, nice day. Call me soon. Love ya pops.
